10 Questions International Students Should Ask before Applying to a US College.

International students should keep in mind that many colleges are eager to welcome you and to create a welcoming environment where you can thrive. With that in mind, here are ten good questions to ask prospective colleges before you apply. These questions may come in handy during an online or in-person information session.

ProImpact recommends our clients don’t ask these questions all at one time, but to politely ask several questions at first, then possibly follow up over time with additional questions. By establishing this process, you will demonstrate to a college your interest as a prospective student, thereby increasing your chance of acceptance (however, keep in mind some colleges have so many applicants that this strategy may not apply to the same degree). Also, be sure to check a college’s website very carefully and do not ask a question that is answered online.


  1. 1. Is there a dedicated office for international students?
  2.  Does the school have a working group of faculty, administration, and students who meet to discuss the international student experience and how to improve it?
  3. Is there an International Student Advisory Board?
  4. Which office handles initial ‘settling-in’ issues such as questions about visas, suggested arrival airports, and other housekeeping issues unique to the international student?
  5. Are international student affairs addressed in the college’s orientation program?
  6. What is the percentage of school enrollment are international students? (An international student population more than 15% indicates the college is doing something right, especially if the next question is answered satisfactorily)
  7. What is the school’s retention rate for international students?
  8. Does the school conduct surveys of international students at the end of the year?
  9. What is the dormitory schedule for international students during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break periods?
  10. What is the school’s best example of an event or program that contributes to international student integration?

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